(originally posted September 8, 2004)
Two unprecedented events took place in our family yesterday (Tuesday).
For one thing, my wife had to call the fire department. That's never happened before.
A utility pole in our backyard somehow caught fire, knocking out the power and, according to Karen, putting on quite a fireworks display.
There was no harm done, except to the pole and the transformer.
And my wife had much praise for the fire crew and an NES worker, who quickly saved the day.
She was especially impressed that the NES guy was able to climb right up the pole, using those spike shoes.
The other unprecedented event took place earlier in the day.
My 5-year old announced that she had been 'disciplined' at school.
That's right. My sweet, innocent little girl 'allegedly' pinched another girl's hair during the story-time reading of "Mrs. Wishy Washy", and was sent to the dreaded "Thinking Chair".
She admitted the offense, and I feel certain learned a valuable lesson about discipline in kindergarten.
I asked her what she did while sitting in the "Thinking Chair".
She told me she thought about things. Seems right.
So, knowing I wanted to write this blog for today, I decided to sit in a "Thinking Chair" here at the house and see what came to mind.
As I looked around the room, I remembered reading that tablecloths were originally meant to serve as towels, or napkins..... and that guests would actually wipe their hands and faces on them after a meal. Maybe I should suggest to Karen that we buy some big tablecloths with a lot of overhang.....
Then, I remembered hearing that, at the North Pole in winter, you can't catch a cold or flu, because the germs and viruses can't survive in such cold weather.... and, I thought, maybe I should suggest a winter vacation at the North Pole.
I thought some more. I remembered reading that a rat can go longer without water than a camel... and perhaps if scientists could somehow breed giant rats in desert countries.....
That's when I got up from the "Thinking Chair".